Friday, September 28, 2012

Bellringer 9/28/2012

Yes-Allow The Gun's In Colleges.                              
1.Tested-Decrease In Crime                                                         
2.Has been in use for a few years at certain colleges.   
3.Tested in over 200 colleges                                        
4.Been used in 49 different states    
5.Allow them to protect themselfs.
6.Allowed in over 23 colleges.
7.Less fights
8.Able to have self-defense
9.A crimnal is more afraid to shoot a armed person
10.Gun training course

 No-Keep the guns banned
 1.Could tempt certain people
2.Could cause someone to shoot someone
 3.the chances of it needed is very slim
4.promotes violence
5.Could create more gangs.
6.Could cause more shootings
7.could hand a gun to a psycho
8.most fights could end with someone dead
9."could" hand to someone who wants to kil thesevles at one point.
10.student could get to angery with a teacher and shoot them

To me, I think having a gun "would" be nice. However it is also risky since some people can just snap on instant. Than again than we stop them. Once again with a turn around, would that count as murder? Also I suppose it would be better for take one or let the other take them all. So I think I side with letting them have guns.                            

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bellringer 9/27/2012

So it's about not enough lunch for kids at schools?  They have a saled bar with fruits and such, so I don't see why school kids are aguring about this at all. Truth, I really don't like most school lunchs, but I don't need to eat much to keep going. So, again I don't see why they are saying they don't have enough food, since they have that saled bar and all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bellringer 9/26/2012

So the army men are wanting to ban the snack foods from schools?   Well I suppose thats up to them, I don't really care at all for the vending machines at schools. As long as the drink vendng machines stay. They "are" doing something good, however......there are plenty more vending machines than just ones at schools.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Gay mariage

bellringer 9/25/2012

well they would not have to make this "program" thing if the girls would stop doing with so many people. To be honest errr well I can't be honest and say what I think, cause that might get me in trouble, so I will just say that they don't listen to there parents or they just have parents that dont care.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bellringer 9/24/2012

So they are now starting the poles again? To be honest I think they should just rely on only with their speeches and the what people think instead of them bashing at each other.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bellringer 9/21/2012

So this man preposed and asked for forgiveness from this woman named Linda? This is rather nice way of asking for such things, since no-one ever does that anymore from the creation of the internet and chatting rooms and like things. I don't really see why cops and a few others are complaining about it, its others people choice to look, slow down to look, and to just check it out, it seems to be freedom of speech to me. I belive one has a right to gather?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bellringer 9/20/2012

So the husband was basicly spying on his "Ex" wife?  with that many things recording I would belive they would be able to have reason "not" to win the law suit to be honest. Since its a invasion of privacy, than I don't see why they cant decide who's fault it is.  I for one think the woman should win the law suit, I don't really see why she should not.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Civics assignment 9/17 to 18/12

1. an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United states Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S.Constitutional Conversion signed the Constitution in 1787.






This delegate took notes at the
Philadelphia Convention.

Name: James Maddison

State: Virgina

Age/Year of Birth: (1751-1836)

Two Additional Clues:the Father of the Constitution;served as secretary of state

He was the chairman of the Committee
on Style.

Name: William Samuel Johnson

State: Conneticut

Age/Year of Birth: (1727-1819)

Two Additional Clues: He graduated from Yale and became a lawyer

Decided that his role should be one of peacemaker

He studied law in Philadelphia.

Name: Jared Ingersoll

State: Penslyvania

Age/Year of Birth: (1749-1822)

Two Additional Clues:He once ran for vice president, but lost; argued several important cases before the Supreme Court.

He was a roommate of James Madison
at the College of New Jersey.

Name: Gunning Bedford, Jr.

State: Deleware

Age/Year of Birth:(1747-1812)

Two Additional Clues:spent many years as a federal district judge; a member of the committee that drafted the Great Compromise

He served as the first postmaster general

of Wilmington.

Name: Jacob Broom

State: Delaware

Age/Year of Birth: (1752-1810)

Two Additional Clues:The son of a blacksmith and farmer; was born in Delaware in 1752


He voted against independence and did not

sign the Declaration of Independence.

Name: John Dickinson

State: Delaware

Age/Year of Birth:(1732-1808)

Two Additional Clues:He spent his later years writing about politics; had the reputation of a scholar and was highly respected


During the Revolution he served as a

lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.

Name: William Few

State: Georgia

Age/Year of Birth:(1748-1828)

Two Additional Clues: his brother was hanged, the family farm was destroyed, and the family had to flee to Georgia; Few served in the Georgia state legislature and the Continental Congress.(people might not think his name is Few)


He studied in Flanders, Belgium.

Name:Daniel Carroll


Age/Year of Birth:(1730-1796)

Two Additional Clues:was one of only two Roman Catholics to sign the Constitution:

He was a member of a prominent Maryland family.


He died three years after the convention.

Name: Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer

State: Maryland

Age/Year of Birth:(1723-1790)

Two Additional Clues:As an adult, he owned a large estate near Annapolis; favored a stronger national government.


He was called away from the convention

due to family illness.

Name: James McHenry

State: Maryland

Age/Year of Birth: (1753-1816)

Two Additional Clues: served in the Continental Congress; In 1781 he left the military to join the Maryland Senate.


After Shays’ Rebellion, he spoke out

against giving the common people too

much power.

Name: Samuel Adams

State: Massachusetts

Age/Year of Birth:(1722-1803)

Two Additional Clues: Son of a brewer; helped guide congress to passing the Declaration of independance

He was arrested by the British for

treason, rescued by a group of patriots.

Name:Haym Solomon


Age/Year of Birth:Jan/6/1785

Two Additional Clues:A broker, Finnancier of the American Revolution.


He served as a missionary among the

Mohawk Indians as a teen.

Name:William Livingston

State:Albany, New york

Age/Year of Birth:August/31/1776

Two Additional Clues:1st Governor of New Jersey, was enrolled at Yale University.


During the Revolution he served as

secretary and aide to General


Name:Joseph Reed

State:Trenton, New Jersey

Age/Year of Birth:December/1/1778

Two Additional Clues:3rd Prsident of Pennsylvania, has a spouse named Esther de berdt


He was tried and acquitted of the charge

of cowardice after the Battle of


Name:Alexander Martin

State:Hunterdon County, New Jersey

Age/Year of Birth:1740-1807

Two Additional Clues:4th & 7th Governor of North Carolina, in 1774 was elected to the Assembly in north carolina.


He was expelled from the Quaker church

for his military service.

Name:Thomas Mifflin

State:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth:Jan/10/1744-(died)Jan/20/1800

Two Additional Clues:A spouse named Sarah Morris, religion of Lutheran

9/19 Bellringer

So they sneaked peeked some photo's? Yeah, I think thats a violation of privacy, and they should be fined for doing that. The other problem is the freedom of press, so this will conflict alot from what I can tell.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18 bellringer

so they are agrueing about the islam video on utube? personal I really dont care about any of this stuff, so long as they dont get mad at us for it. I would be nice if they stopped messing with  the islams.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bellringer 9/17/2012

So they banned larger cups of soda but they still kept the beer?  To me, why did they not just ban the beer instead of the soda?, oh wait I know why, cause they are money greeding pricks. I'm almost more than certain that, thats the only reason why.                     

They should not have made that video, because it got people killed. To my own thoughts, I think it was a very bad idea.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Asignment 9/14/2012

Acording to the quiz I took I am, 71% Constitution. 62% Republican  43% Democrat and 43% Libertarian.  and silly enough it says at the bottom. "Your Influence.... Because of you, 0 people have taken this quiz."   Hurra I made people hat ehte quiz =D

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bellringer 9/13/2012

During that day of school I was stuck holding 5 shirts because the teacher I was with had no idea what she was doing. So when  Mrs.Wolf finally came and asked why I had 5 shirts I finally got my own instead of holding all of those. As for how I thought that was going along with the whole cleaning thing, I dont seem to re-call the students EVER being able to make our choices for cleaning since in our AA class they made us pick from a list of stuff.

Monday, September 10, 2012

bellringer 9/10/2012

I think those presidents should stop arguing and just try and see who is trying to do better at that their plains for the future.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I do not understand at all what they are arguing about to be honest, since I don't follow politics. far as I know its about media care or something? I don't care what the other is doing to be honest, I dislike both of the people for the president.

Ok, so this one is about the assault weapon ban law? Also seems to be about how they do not even try to approve it either. To be honest its kinda a double edged plain, cause without something as simple as a gun it would be hard for the common folk to defend them self's. So either way, I'm wanting to see if they do it or not.

And as for nixon......well only thing I really know about him is the Watergate scandel, so I dont agree with anything he says.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

bellringer 9/5/2012

finger prints for visitors? well I must say that, that is ingenious, for that to happen so if for say they bring in a weapon they would know who did it. Anyway I think they should keep doing that stuff, cause it works.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bellringer 9/4/2012

A app about the price on teeth? To be honest I don't really know what to say about that mostly cause I'm not really one to think that filling your kids heads with stuff like the tooth fairy for them to find out later. "oh it was not fully a lie" meh, still alie parents sorry to say. But for the one's that do I suppose a app for the priceing thing should be rather useful.