Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bellringer 12/18/2012

So more talking about the shootings and gun control. I for one think that we all should have a very strict gun control law. I don't care how much hate I get from those gun lovers, I think it would fit to have maybe need of a permit, a limit of how many one can own, a permant number tag for the gun they buy, and maybe a few other things. So at least "some" of these shootings would die down.

Monday, December 17, 2012





So today is about the shooting at sandy brook elementary.   Yes, yes it was sad, so many kids and adults died from a maniac shooting them.   Along with the shooter killing himself from what it seems. It was good to hear that mostly all the teachers locked themselfs in their class rooms and tried to keep their kids calmed, some even read some storys to them to try and help them.   Also was nice to see that a police officer helped two women and a child away from the school to get them away from the shooter. I feel sorry for the  parents that lost their kids, and the kids who lost their parents. I do hope that some things will soon be put into effect for our gun problem we seem to be having. Maybe the mother who got shot by her son should have put those guns he stole from her in a safer spot or something? I'm not sure, it's just a thought.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bellringer 12/14/2012

So...we have a man, selling his last name. why? why would anyone in the right mind buy his last name? when you can just change your name of alot less than 35k? As for changing my name IF I ever do, I think it would be Xai Lee Rose.  Xai because I like the name. Lee for my middle because again I like the name Lee. And Rose because my mother changed her name recently and I would like to have the same last name so it would seem more like I'm her child.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bellringer 12/13/2012

To fat to fight for the army? Hah, I can say serves most of them right. overly eating, being to lazy to do anything, I knew this would happen soon for both the us and the army. being to fat to fight for your country, cant tell if its a good thing or a bad thing, seeing how this country normaly either starts fight cause they are power hungry, or just because they ticked off another country. Let alone we are in dept horribley. Really, see no hope for this place at all.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bellringer 12/12/2012

So we had a gas exsplosion? I think thats just someone not doing their job right. When this kind of news story comes up, It is normaly followed by them saying "there was a problem with the system" or "something was not made correctly" It's just people not doing their jobs right.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bellringer 12/11/2012

So obama  is doing a conference to agree on certain things? well hes not doing a very good job at that since they are aguring that he is not agreeing with what is needed for this near end year.  if he dont make a decision for the finances than the taxes will most likely be higher and the nations buget will stay horrible.

Bellringer 12/10/2012

So we have two kids pulling a gun on someone? Well this is about how I thought the world was coming to. to be honest I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. we shall be seeing this more often. more violence, more roberys, and the such. We need more law inforcement, and perhaps child improvments for kids who do this now a days.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bellringer 12/6/2012

So, Obama's wife is going against bill clinton for a grammy award? To be honest, I never watch the grammy awards...ever....so I dont really see the big hoopla about if either of them win. As for the book his wife is writing...how can just writing about your garden, win you a grammy? If thats the case why dont I just walk on stage and give them my horribly spelled and written story. I'm sure to win with that.  =P

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bellringer 12/5/2012

So its someone sueing over a ban on woman in combat in wars?   From most of the comments I read, it seems to just be most of them thinking they are to weakly built to do anything. In the army I would think you would have to go through a training course or something so they know your able to preform the actions needed, so I dont see why someone would ban women from combat if they are already there in the first place.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bellringer 12/4/2012

Ok so I read the article, and I do not understand a thing of whats going on. I dont know what filibuster is, nor did I catch what it was when I was reading. From what I am reading it's just the two parties nick picking each other like always, since this country can't run on a single stand point why not just let two, maybe there will be a third later to mess it up even more?  I don't doubt it since this country is probley never getting out of the hole is got buried in.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bellringer 12/3/2012

So they want to expand school hours, and/or add more days?   That is a nice thing they wanna do, however a few problems I see. one being how some kids have a hard time keeping on task for long periods of time.  another thing is, even for my time at school, if the time is expanded there the students will get less time with their familys.  and lastly I doubt they could budget that forever, with how many fund raisers my school goes through half the time.