Monday, October 29, 2012

bellringer 10/29

So now the candidates are goin for ohio? I suppose that would be the smart thing to do, however Obama it still pooring in even tho it has already showed that Ranney won. So I think he might just end up making a fool of himself. Even more than he already has,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bellringer 10/25

Ok, so Obama tried to pull the trust trick on Romney? Yeah, he's one to talk since he lied about everything he said he was going to do. And Romney even said so as well, about how he broke all the promises he made. We don't fully know if Romney is lieing yet or not, but at least its better than voting for someone we all know is gonna just lie again.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bellringer 10/24

So obama is talking about him just loseing in general? He speaks about how something would happen to the middle class people, what about the ones more in need of help? Also after all the things I have heard from both the people running, I don't really seeing everything going right or good for either one, so I don't really have much hope for either one of them making this a better place.

Bellringer 10/23

I agree that they should use the ID card for getting a license for driving. It's a good thing to up secreity on such things, to increases the chances of everything going correctly, it would also make people need to keep their files together.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bellringer 10/22/2012

So they were gambleing? well, I don't really mind people gambling unless they are betting very large amounts of money. I can see low amounts, but when they wager a large amount of money it is a very stupid idea.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bellringer 10/19/2012

So obama wants to fix the governments mistakes?  Well if he is the current president and there fore part of the government, so he should be able to know what his own people do. or at least know what they are doing. So I blame him for this..

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Social awareness issue

1.Causes people to be scared
2.Causes familys to be sad
3.Makes people live in fear
4.Causes destrutcion
5.Makes the government panic
6.Makes people panic
7.Causes the suicide bomber to die
8.Causes more costs of the U.S
9.Causes Deaths
10.Could cause people to have bad flashbacks of the event.

1.It's their religous belief
2.They proform such action to inforce their religion.
3.The violence they prform is in the name of islam
4."said" as a act of self defense cause the terrorists think of their victims as threats.
5.They preform this action as a misinterpretation of their own holy text.
6.They target the U.S.A cause it was our own country’s actions that are instigating the emergence of religious extremism.
7.Extremists view dominant nations like the U.S.A as “polluting Islamic culture and as a mechanism for exploitation”

Bellringer 10/18/2012

I have learned that I think romney has a much better speech than Obama. He seems to be able to out do him at every moment during pretty much all the debates. So I have learned that He seems to know what he's doing alot better than obama does.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

bellringer 10/16/2012

#1-So it's about us not haveing a "real" votes? Well I must say that is pretty much the truth, the electoral votes are the things that count, and since most presidents that win, buy theirselfs in, our votes don't really matter.

#2-Again more stuff about the electoral votes, which indeed has just proved my point of it's the only thing that counts to win to be president.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bellringer 10/15/2012

So it's about how schools are pushed with testing and the such? To be honest, I don't really have a problem with testing. However it has been cutting alot of class time meant for learning but now instead been replaced with test pratice and the such. They need to learn how to even out the test pratice with the learning itself or else I see something falling later.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bellringer 10/12/2012

Well, I did not watch the debate from the looks of this they drawed. I...really have no idea who either one of these people are, mostly due to my lack of careing for polatics, so I can't really say what I think of what they are doing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bellringer 10/9/2012

So they are now agruing about the ruels of certain companys?    If they are complaining about how "ALL" workers should know the rules even if they are online, than they must not understand that not every has the internet, nor they all have phones that can connect to it either. they should stop complaining and post the rules on a bulletin board or something near where the workers come into the job sites for what they work on.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bellringer 10/8/2012

I think they have the right idea with leaving this country. I for one don't really like either person running for president, nor do I want to around when they are elected. I would not mind having one of those tickets myself, just.....go to japan or maybe egypt.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bellring 10/3

So Pennsylvania are gonna make a Id card law for voteing? Well, I suppose thats a good idea, so that the people wont be able to sneak in a extra vote every now and than. So to be honest I'm in support of this ID card stuff.

so names based on how we are on which side of the kinda civic sides? I dont really belive that for crap, sorry to say. I dont care how much data there is, I dont see how that is true at all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bellringer 10/2

So romney is gonna re-make the suprme court building? Well to be honest thats nice and all, but unless he is elected he wont do that. and the fact I dont care what he does unless he really does help with the government spending and the such.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bellringer 10/1/2012

So some guns got past air-port security? Looks like someone just is not doing their job right, They should tell them, to fix their problem before they fire'em.  And I used to think air-port security was tight, I guess they really are slacking.