Thursday, October 18, 2012

Social awareness issue

1.Causes people to be scared
2.Causes familys to be sad
3.Makes people live in fear
4.Causes destrutcion
5.Makes the government panic
6.Makes people panic
7.Causes the suicide bomber to die
8.Causes more costs of the U.S
9.Causes Deaths
10.Could cause people to have bad flashbacks of the event.

1.It's their religous belief
2.They proform such action to inforce their religion.
3.The violence they prform is in the name of islam
4."said" as a act of self defense cause the terrorists think of their victims as threats.
5.They preform this action as a misinterpretation of their own holy text.
6.They target the U.S.A cause it was our own country’s actions that are instigating the emergence of religious extremism.
7.Extremists view dominant nations like the U.S.A as “polluting Islamic culture and as a mechanism for exploitation”

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