Monday, August 27, 2012

Patrick Henry The Anti-Federlist

I am Patrick Henry, and in 1787 I was at the age of 51.

I am a Anti-Federalist.

I have been elected to virginia house of buresses in 1765, I have been admitted to the bar of the general court in virinia in 1769, also been elected to the continental congress in 1774, been the virinia militia leader in 1775, and I have been the governor of virginia in 1776 to 1778, than again in 1784.

I never had a role in the constitutional convention cause I refused to serve there, because I feared that the states would lose power to a new national government.

"Again, I never had a role due to myself refuseing President Washingtons offer for me to join." However A reason of I, myself are not for this is fear for starting up a war with france.

I refused the constitution because it took away the power from the states. EvenMadison agree's with me.

My views on the new government were that it will seperate the states from power. "The most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people" In other words I belive that without a bill of rights, we (the people) would enslave ourselves.


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